New Age Oilfield became a key player in the larger diameter tubing market in late 2016; this executive decision was made based on customer requests due to our ability to encapsulate fiber, single to multi-point thermocouple lines within smaller diameter tubing. Adding larger diameter tubing was therefore a logical progression in New Age’s product line. Incorporating our expertise and innovation, we designed and built specific equipment to begin this new service addition. As of 2018’s fourth quarter, we have successfully built 580 instrumentation coils in various sizes for our customers.
During manufacturing, quality and documentation can be found every step of the way, whether it is a new coil build, or a troubleshoot and teardown. Our technicians report, photograph, pressure test, and graph all their results to be built into a complete report for customer review.
New Age’s innovation at its finest: in early 2017, during troubleshooting and teardowns, we noticed common failures in instrumentation coils that have been in the wells for six to twelve months. These failures led to the design of our patent pending “Locking Sleeve,” which was developed due to customer issues of hot-end turn around sub fittings coming loose during heat cycles. Our locking sleeves make it impossible for this failure to occur. New Age’s instrumentation coils last longer by lowering failure risk and increases the lifespan of our customer’s investment.
We offer turnkey solutions to our customers, from the initial customer request, to engineered design, services, materials and components (design & supply), to transport logistics to and from site.
All materials and components used in any of our processes are quality checked and the highest grade available.
- Engineered design
- Instrumentation coil; fiber optics, bubble tube, single –multi point T/C lines.
- Troubleshoot & teardown with computerized reports
- Fiber optics pre- pump in
- Pressure Testing & Computerized Graphs;
- Coil tubing
- Bull nose
- Gas lift sub
- B-Pressure welding
- X-rays
- Coil transport & logistics
Since 2012, New Age has been encapsulating sensor lines in smaller OD bubble tube, such as fiber optics, tubing encapsulated cable sensor lines, as well as single to multi-point thermocouples for pressure and temperature reservoir monitoring in SAGD applications.
Service Request:
Encapsulated Thermocouple Manufacturing

Instrumentation Coil Manufacturing

Locking Sleeve Assembly

Instrumentation Coil

Instrumentation Coil Manufacturing